Ask Audrye Blog

Ask Audrye Blog2019-07-20T02:27:52-04:00

Blog 41: Why Do We Have So Many Unintended and Unwanted Pregnancies in the U.S.?

Activist, Blog, Health & Wellness, The Mother's Manual Collection|

Why Do We Have So Many Unintended and Unwanted Pregnancies in the U.S.? So you know, I am a big proponent of choice.  I am this not because I like abortion, but because so many [...]

Blog 38 Eclipses! July 2 at 10 Degrees Cancer, July 16 at 16 Degrees Capricorn


Eclipses! July 2 at 10 Degrees Cancer, July 16 at 16 Degrees Capricorn We have two eclipses in July, all opportunities for mammoth shift and changes, often times abrupt, though your and others’ desires and [...]

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