Blog 43: Dealing With a Sociopathi
Dealing With a Sociopathi How do you know sociopathic behavior when you experience it? What is a sociopath? According to Google, a sociopath is “a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial [...]
Blog 42: Get Your Tickets to Now!
Get Your Tickets to Now! Though I hadn’t painted in a number of years, thanks to the Real Wavestar K or Kingyatha or Kenny, who encouraged me to enter, I am now exhibiting [...]
Blog 41: Why Do We Have So Many Unintended and Unwanted Pregnancies in the U.S.?
Why Do We Have So Many Unintended and Unwanted Pregnancies in the U.S.? So you know, I am a big proponent of choice. I am this not because I like abortion, but because so many [...]
Blog 40: Double 7s Birthday on 7/17!!!!!
Double 7s Birthday on 7/17!!!!! Today is my birthday! It is astounding to me that I get to celebrate 77 Circles Around the Sun today on 7/17. Look at these numbers! I am feeling enchanted [...]
Blog 39: MORPH Magic Course Is Evergreen!
MORPH Magic Course Is Evergreen! Thank you all the MORPH Members who completed your MORPH Into the Magic of Sself Love, S-Soul Essence Self and s-ego personality self, 6-Week Course on June 18th!!!!!! You [...]
Blog 38 Eclipses! July 2 at 10 Degrees Cancer, July 16 at 16 Degrees Capricorn
Eclipses! July 2 at 10 Degrees Cancer, July 16 at 16 Degrees Capricorn We have two eclipses in July, all opportunities for mammoth shift and changes, often times abrupt, though your and others’ desires and [...]
Blog 37: Summer Solstice!
Summer Solstice! Today is the Summer Solstice! Start of the Summer, Sign of Cancer, Moon Goddess, Cosmic Nurturer, Mother of All. Wherever you have the sign Cancer in your astrological chart, you can either crave [...]
33: MORPH Magic Course Open for YOU Anywhere!
33: MORPH Magic Course Open for YOU Anywhere! Yay! The MORPH Magic Course is live and open to everyone! Now that we are launched, anyone can join at any time. You will start at [...]
32: Time to Have My Own House
32: Time to Have My Own House The Universe can have a very interesting way of letting me know when I have to make a change. Once, the apartment in which I was living [...]
31: Goddess, Creatrix of the Universe, Thank YOU!
31: Goddess, Creatrix of the Universe, Thank YOU! Oh, Blessed One, in all your Beauty and Finery, you sprinkle the night sky with diamond sparkles of stars, glowing fire balls of Light and Heat. From [...]