#1 International Kindle Best-Seller

I write because there is much to say to fulfill peoples’ needs for information, love, and wisdom. I give this with humor, empathy, brilliance.   A channel with a facility and love of words, I am inspired and born to write.  A conscious open-hearted communicator, I have an unfettered sense of humor.

My topics call to me.  I write about what is meaningful and where I can make an impact and uplift consciousness. My process?  First, I lift my energy, as I do for readings and healings.  Second, I ask to be Guided by Source to create something of benefit to all.  Third, I get inspiration.  Fourth, off I go following the Guidance. Is it as easy as it sounds?  Yes and no.  I do have to sit down and do it.

Certificates of Commendation

GoddessHeart prints books on ecological paper, usually 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper.  We would also use hemp, lokta or other highly environmentally friendly materials. These kinds of paper are much more financially costly to use.  They are, however, the best for our planet.  Therefore, in the long run, these papers are way less expensive to everything important in life.

    When we are temporarily unable to print on the kind of paper that would give this benefit, we bring our books out in PDF ebook, Kindle or another ecological manner.  We are committed to the health of our planet and all our participants.

    For these reasons, we have created our Certificates of Commendation for books launched as PDF ebooks.  Book purchasers will know why their book is in this form.  Purchasers will also be given information via the Certificate of Commendation on where to purchase 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper with which to print any aspect of their book. This way, we pass on the ecological benefit of our books to our purchasers, their families, and the world.

    Our Inspiration and Intention are to have a healthy planet, healthy people, healthy plants, healthy everything in every way we can manage. This includes physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, quantum-ly and any other way that shows up.  

    We thank you very much for being one of our participants and welcome your enlightening feedback so that we may all benefit and prosper.  Call us at 927.494.0628.  Join AudryeNow.com, and let us know how you are and how we’re doing.  Many blessings to us all!