• Most of us love delicious, easy-to-prepare edibles.  When this yumminess is also healthful and nutritious, leaving us satisfied and satiated in soul, stomach, mouth and heart, that food is a treasure. Food is a gift and great health a must for anyone choosing to live a happy productive life.
  • Book 10 of 20

    Most people remember their teenage times, sometimes with glee, sometimes with agony.  Now your youngster is living this incredibly important time.  Replete with ideas, techniques, possibilities for both parent and teen.  Remember to laugh!

  • Book 11 of 20

    Being an enlightened mom raising evolved children really pays off when your child becomes a young adult.  Whether your young adult is going to school, working or doing something else, this book prepares you for this level of mothering and letting go, a journey in and of itself.

  • Book 12 of 20

    You did it!  Your child is now an adult.  Your method of mothering has been shifting through the years, and now takes on a new approach.  Though not exactly peers, you have to respect the choices made by your grown-up child.  How to do this when you have other ideas?

  • Book 13 of 20

    When your child becomes a parent, you become a grandmother.  What a blessing!  Sometimes, truth be told, what a challenge!  Ways to be are delineated in this book, with guidance for the various paths that may be opening up for all of you.  This is another important life initiation.

  • Book 14 of 20

    This is a treasure trove of information, tidbits, “secrets,” humor that moms at any stage in the mothering journey will love and adore.  What to do when you feel “done”?  It’s here.  What about when you want to scream with joy?  Here, too!  A must-have!!!

  • Book 15 of 20

    Being a mother is an incredible spiritual undertaking for any woman.  Think you’re spiritual?  How do you handle a fresh-mouthed toddler, teen, young adult?  What do you do when you your nerves feel frayed?  How do you renew? Be the Divine Feminine/ Goddess.

  • Book 16 of 20

    How many of us have come from joy-filled homes and families?  Exactly.  If more of us had lived this as our reality, our world would be a much more actively loving place.  This book guides you in creating this actual, authentic, blissful space in your home and life.

  • Book 3 of 20

    People have the potential to attract a particular type of soul to them in the form of their child-to-be.  This book includes ways to do this, with everyone aware that this is a possibility rather than a definite.

  • Book 4 of 20

    Rather than be haphazard about getting pregnant, this book gives great attributes to either seek in a mate or in the father of your child-to-be, as well as ways for the dad to acquire these qualities.  All of us can benefit from this, as having a great dad, father, daddy is amazing for any child.

  • Book 5 of 20

    Every woman’s pregnancy is unique.  If a woman has more than one child, each experience is special.  This book helps guide you through your special pregnancy, with humor, wisdom and understanding.  These are days you will always remember with fondness.  Yes, there are ups, downs, sideways, and more.

  • Book 6 of 20

    For any woman, birthing her child is absolutely life-changing, whether she has a natural water birth or an emergency C-section.  Some births are relatively easy, some are life-threatening.  This book gives you a wealth of ideas about birthing your child, as well as reminding you of your rights in your wellness establishment.

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