Double 7s Birthday on 7/17!!!!!
Today is my birthday! It is astounding to me that I get to celebrate 77 Circles Around the Sun today on 7/17. Look at these numbers! I am feeling enchanted by them. Full-moon eclipse yesterday. Changes afoot this year for those of us born within three days of yesterday. Woohoo! Yes! Plus, eclipse at 10 degrees Cancer on this past 7/2. For me, also big changes, as this conjuncts my Mercury, Jupiter and Nadir or 4th House Cusp.
What changes are happening for you? In you? Around you? How are you being to facilitate positive shifts? What about navigating what appears to be negative changes? Have I had those? In 77 years? Yes, you know I have.
Btw, if you would like to know how these eclipses are affecting you and your life, get an Astrological Reading with me. Book either on or call me at 1.888.757.3223. If you know my cell, call that!
Thank you everyone for being in my life. Whatever contribution you and I made to and for one another, thank you. We have been agents for ongoing spiraling MORPHing for one another. Do I choose this? Yes, I do. Would I prefer that all is much easier? Frankly, yes, I would and do.
Sooooo, in this next year, I intend to have a new spacious home, one that I own, in which I can paint and create art, write books, design and hold more seminars and online courses, plant food-and-flower plants and trees, have my entire family visit me, relax, and, yes, manifest my mate.
Really peer at yourSself, and notice what your internal dialog is saying? Is this moving you forward? Is this holding you back? Would you like to go beyond? Take MORPH Into the Magic of Sself Love, S-Soul Essence Self and s-ego personality self. This is the foundation Course for all my upcoming Courses, including MORPH Into Stupendous Sexuality, Sensuality, Spirituality, Shifting Whatever
Bless you! Thank you! Love yourSself! It’s the most fulfilling way to go, creating seeming miracles every step of the way. This also means taking time to renew, regenerate, rest, re-create, laugh! Blessings, all!!!!!