THE MOTHER’S MANUAL comes with a Guarantee: Read the entire book, do two or more of the exercises or processes, and you will grow. Guaranteed. The Divine Feminine in Mom form, will shine through you.
You get:
Mom Readiness
Selecting a Father
Conscious Conception
Pregnancy – Birth – Stages of Life
Healthy Family Relationships
Creating a Joyous Sacred Home
Sexuality – Sensuality – Spirituality
Nurturing Yourself in the Midst of It All
Living Abundantly
Peaceful Conflict Resolution
Loving Discipline
Play, Fun, Laughter
Lifelong Wellness
Ecology and You
Population Matters
Being a Local and Global Citizen
Motherhood as a Spiritual Journey
Evolutionary Exercises, Processes, Meditations
Look at the parenting around you. What do you see? Feel? Who could use some loving support? Great guidance? How do you tune into your inner knowing, wisdom, intuition? The gorgeous THE MOTHER’S MANUAL evolves, nudges, eases, cries and laughs with you.
“The Mother’s Manual is a surprisingly gifted book filled with sound advice, great antidotes and uplifting artwork. I was initially hesitant to even start such a voluminous book, yet I found it well laid out and remarkably easy to read with such insightful suggestions that I had read 100 pages before I realized it. This book is beautiful in its presentation and in its heart. A must read for every new mother and for anyone wishing to improve their relationship skills with family.”
“Audrye has created a handbook for Motherhood that is long overdue. She takes a spiritual and realistic view and shares great insights into keeping your sanity while nurturing a human being to their greatness. A must read for any woman who has or is considering having children!”
“Audrye has given birth to a masterpiece that will guide, teach and inspire mothers around the world the true essence of being a Mother. Every woman needs to read this book, so we can raise our children to transform humanity for the better. A true treasure map to motherhood for those who really care about our future.”
“The Mother’s Manual is both a pleasure to read and immensely useful to all human beings–young and old. Arbe’s book offers a refreshingly lucid understanding of spiritual perspective that is needed today to reawaken a graceful ushering of our young into their Earth adventure. A ground-breaking book about accessing the inner knowing that we all possess but often don’t consult. An engaging, authoritative manual for nurturing new beings into their roles on this challenging planet, expect a groundswell of popular demand for the wisdom in this book! You have a winner here!”
“The Mother’s Manuel is a profound and practical book that gives young women and mothers a sound foundation in which to raise their children.”
How long did you gaze mesmerized at the stunning Audrye OMArt facing each chapter? How did your energy shift? How does your heart feel? Imagine getting your laundry done more easily with your heart soaring from sopping up the vibrations of the Audrye OmArt! Start conversations with family members oohing and aahing.
THE MOTHER’S MANUAL blisses you in SO many ways!
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