• Book 7 of 20

    You are officially a mom!  Some women omit taking care of themselves in those early days of becoming a mother, whether this is your first and only child, or one of several children.  Crucial to know how to nurture yourself, your family and your life.

  • Book 8 of 20

    Covering the gamut of these four aspects of being in your raising of your child from toddler to tween, this book is a boon to anyone in the guise of mom or dad to do this with love, wisdom, patience and authenticity.  Exercises and processes will also grow you, Mom!

  • Book 9 of 20

    The title says it all; you are now dealing with an adolescent, when “Adolescent Mouth” often strikes.  Techniques, processes and methods abound for both parent and child to grow well through these sometimes trying times.  Yes, we talk about sex and other issues that have to be dealt with in these years.

  • The dynamic RAISING RACE CONSCIOUSNESS, Healing Racism, Sexism and Other Isms (RRC), is written with love, compassion, clarity and strength for and about our species.  Who and what are we?  How do we intend to evolve?  What does this involve?  Would we prefer to devolve?  Where are you in this mix?
  • A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood

    This book is hailed by readers as a masterpiece.  You can get one of 20 smaller books based on this title.  See them listed in the books section of our store.

  • Dealing with such concerns as readiness to be a mom, ways to determine preparedness, and methods to get ready if a woman finds herself pregnant, this book is a boon to anyone considering becoming a mom, or who is a new mom.
  • So many adults think they know or remember what it is to be a child.  Oftentimes, however, people may have forgotten the way kids operate.  This book reminds people of what childhood is and/or can be, including the joys, responsibilities, wonder, and sensitivity of what childhood includes.
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