• A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood

    This book is hailed by readers as a masterpiece.  You can get one of 20 smaller books based on this title.  See them listed in the books section of our store.

  • ABC, AFFIRMATIONS, ART COLORING BOOK Filled with enchanting Audrye OmArt: Art That Opens the Heart ©, which uplifts the reader’s energy. The inviting, humorous, unexpected words build vocabulary, self-worth, curiosity and exploration.

    WHAT IF? is printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper.  The trees saved benefits you and the planet.

  • Most of us love delicious, easy-to-prepare edibles.  When this yumminess is also healthful and nutritious, leaving us satisfied and satiated in soul, stomach, mouth and heart, that food is a treasure. Food is a gift and great health a must for anyone choosing to live a happy productive life.
  • The dynamic RAISING RACE CONSCIOUSNESS, Healing Racism, Sexism and Other Isms (RRC), is written with love, compassion, clarity and strength for and about our species.  Who and what are we?  How do we intend to evolve?  What does this involve?  Would we prefer to devolve?  Where are you in this mix?
  • Book 20 of 20

    The author shares from her heart some of the intricacies of her relationship with her mom.  When you read this with an open mind and heart, you will emerge feeling as though you are in the midst of a miracle.  The author also shares midwifing her mom to the other side.  A true classic!

  • Book 19 of 20

    This is a personal book depicting some of the author’s journey with her own daughter, while also preserving everyone’s privacy.  Are you expecting the author to be a perfect mom?  Let go of that perception, as all of us are evolving all the time.  This lets you in on some of what the author grew through.

  • Book 18 of 20

    A wealth of exercises, experiences, processes, laughter, wisdom and practices the author has taught her classes, clients, and herself through the years are put together in this book for you to bask in.  Have you ever wondered where your Earthly inspiration will emerge?

  • Book 17 of 20

    Would you like to be and feel rich in spirit, health, creativity, finances, relationships, more?  This book is a gateway to having this as your life.  With amazing contributions from other wisdom teachers, this book opens your mind, life and heart to abundance.

  • Book 16 of 20

    How many of us have come from joy-filled homes and families?  Exactly.  If more of us had lived this as our reality, our world would be a much more actively loving place.  This book guides you in creating this actual, authentic, blissful space in your home and life.

  • Book 15 of 20

    Being a mother is an incredible spiritual undertaking for any woman.  Think you’re spiritual?  How do you handle a fresh-mouthed toddler, teen, young adult?  What do you do when you your nerves feel frayed?  How do you renew? Be the Divine Feminine/ Goddess.

  • Book 14 of 20

    This is a treasure trove of information, tidbits, “secrets,” humor that moms at any stage in the mothering journey will love and adore.  What to do when you feel “done”?  It’s here.  What about when you want to scream with joy?  Here, too!  A must-have!!!

  • Book 13 of 20

    When your child becomes a parent, you become a grandmother.  What a blessing!  Sometimes, truth be told, what a challenge!  Ways to be are delineated in this book, with guidance for the various paths that may be opening up for all of you.  This is another important life initiation.

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