MORPH Into the Magic of Sself Love
Sself: S=Soul Essence Self & s=ego personality self

Flow with Life Easily!
Manifest Your Heart-Soul Desires!
Vibrate at a High Frequency!
Live NOW in the New Paradigm!
What is Sself?
What is Sself? Self refers to our Soul Essence Self, while self refers to our ego-personality self.
What is MORPHing? Shifting, evolving, gliding, allowing, transforming, metamorphosizing, ascending, raising frequency – NATURALLY! This is our birthright! Now is the time!
Who are you?
Do you know all of who you are? What would your life be like when you fully love yourSself? What could you do? What would y/our world be?
Imagine, feel, see, sense, taste this. YOU and Y/OUR LIFE taking off!
What do YOU want?
In your heart of hearts, what do you want? Happiness? Fulfillment? Ease? Love? Money? The Divine? Peace?
How do you get this? Live from your Soul Essence consciously connected to your ego-personality body-mind.
What is the problem?
Do you ever feel inadequate, not good enough, disconnected, overwhelmed, purposeless, lost?
What is this? Where does it come from? How do you get rid of it?
Many people – including YOU! — do not truly know who they are. Many have forgotten. We have all been conditioned. You, too!
It starts with YOU!
Have you embraced your brilliance? Is your life humming along? Are you driven by ego-personality-body-mind without being aware of it?
MORPH Magic is the key.
This is the real Game on the Planet now. Uplifting ourSselves!
How do YOU get there?
MORPH Magic! Whether you are new to the journey of Sself-discovery, an awareness teacher-sharer, or anywhere along the path, now is your time.
Our species – YOU! — US — are all being called upon to MORPH and maintain a higher vibration. This is now the Earth paradigm.

Join our
ONLY $600
My second Course, Sexuality, Sensuality, Spirituality. Stupendous SEX! Your Intimacy Healing Exuberance Course is $600
click here to learn more
Take both MORPH and SEX! for $1100 instead of $1200. You gain $100!
You will feel happier, look better, attract more money, be in love with yourSself and the world, plus magnetize fabulous relationships! Start with MORPH, go on to SEX! Enjoy!!!!! Register now!
How can you
MORPH Into the Magic of Sself Love is a six-week online Course that includes audios, videos, text and TWO live conference calls with me.
When you complete MORPH Magic, you will feel – and be – living in a new, high, more connected, loving way with YourSself and SOURCE.
You will love yourSself — Soul, personality, body, thoughts, emotions, energetic frequency. You will know how to uplift, release, be free of a false sense of having to be perfect.
You will MORPH, shift, transform naturally! You get to choose the amount of time for daily practice. You go beyond.
What kind of life journey is this?
MORPHing is an ongoing exciting life journey! Experience seeming challenges as bumps that can add interest, power, resilience to you and your life.
We bring you your MORPH Course via the Divine Feminine. We are awake, woke, here! Plus, continuing onward… Are you feeling attracted to, curious about, inspired by MORPHing? Join us!!!!
How do YOU join us?
The actual financial and life value to you of the
MORPH Magic course is PRICELESS.
If you were had to pay for each segment separately; the breakdown would look like this:
42 Written Instructions, one daily, $150 each = $6,300
42 Audios, $75 each, one daily = $3,150
6 Videos, $75 each, one every week = $900
2 Conference Calls, $150 each = $300
I inspire YOU to take this Course.
I intend that YOU truly LOVE YOURSsELF!
MORPH Magic is now only $600.
My second Course, Sexuality, Sensuality, Spirituality. Stupendous SEX! Your Intimacy Healing Exuberance Course is $600
Click Here To Learn More
Take both MORPH and SEX! for $1100 instead of $1200 (Save $100!).
You will feel happier, look better, attract more money, be in love with yourSself and the world, plus magnetize fabulous relationships! Start with MORPH, go on to SEX! Enjoy!!!!! Register now!
What do YOU get?
Guaranteed Personal Transformation
In terms of stuff, you get six weeks filled with Love, Blissings (Blessings+), Affirmations, Breathing Attunements, Meditations, Home Practices, Wisdom Initiations, Humor, Light, the Laws of Attraction and Evolution, Transformation Techniques and more, presented by me,
The Transformation Catalyst.
Listen to Audrye on MORPH Into the Magic of Sself Love
You get audio, video, text and conference calls.
It takes 40 days to change a pattern and create a new way of being. You get two extra days with your MORPH Course!
Who am I? Why listen to me?
My name is Audrye. I consider myself cosmic, connected to All That Is. A born mystic intuitive, I am The Transformation Catalyst, Diversity Expert. My gifts include clairvoyant-healer, astrologer, artist, author, seminar leader, speaker, Enagic Kangen Water enthusiast. Some clients call me their life strategist. Yes, I am also a mom and grammie! Definitely, I am a woman in the midst of my own MORPH Magic, who loves to dance to the beat of life and drums under the sun, moon and stars.
For more info, go to ABOUT.
Listen to Audrye on MORPH Into the Magic of Sself Love as she explains it in her own words.
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What people are saying
SHIFTING LIFE ENERGY Seminar Testimonials
“The breathing techniques were my favorite tool because these breathing modes have the most powerful impact. Breath can shift us from stress to relaxation, from scattered thoughts to focus, etc., right away.
“The change and shift in energy is IMMEDIATE. Breath is powerful in changing one’s perceptions in regards to any situation right away. For example, you can go from stress to calm in one minute or less.
“(Your) class gives the tools for building a foundation for life, how to live and structure one’s life in wholeness and love.
“I highly recommend Audrye’s … classes. She covers the tools for building up your environment, body, health, inner mind, and peace. Tools for learning/bringing out love within and without are addressed.”“I liked that you covered different breathing; I loved learning the new techniques. It’s great to have the group demonstration.
Barbara Borowy
Woman of Wisdom
“The energy environment is safe and calming at the GoddessHeart Gallery Salon. I always feel comfortable in groups here, even though I tend to be shy. I don’t have an issue sharing or opening in these seminars. I am honored to have had meditation and other techniques demonstrated by Audrye.
“Audrye gives an amazing mix of techniques and applications for living and being in a continual growth of self and awareness. She offers a beautiful and inviting environment of trust and peace.
“I have the advantage of having attended the three-part seminar, which, in contrast (to the one-day event), ‘forced’ me to reflect and practice between sessions and also create a group bond that I liked very much. I have used the techniques and know I will use more of them more often now.”“I love the Meditation. It helps to relax and center me. Felt strong and got many questions answered about myself.
Carrin Harris
SEO/Marketing Expert
“It was amazing. I love the higher frequency work.
“I’m going to put what I have learned into my lifestyle. I have already been doing the four-part breathing meditation.
“The SHIFTING LIFE ENERGY SEMINAR with Audrye was a dynamic experience. It enlightened me greatly about the way I am moving through this life. It also taught me the power of looking within myself for Guidance, Love and Light. Audrye gave me a new idea about meditation and healing overall. I left this Event feeling strong, uplifted and powerful.”
Simone Hylton
Hair Salon Owner, Beautifican
“I love the meditations. They were relaxing and allowed me to enter a space of introspection. A beautiful salon and a great day!
Pat Biles
“The SHIFTING LIFE ENERGY SEMINAR provided me the opportunity to go inward and learn more about myself. I needed to do that. Thank you!”
Author, Stopping the Workplace Violence, OSHA Expert,
100 Outstanding Women in Lauderhill Award Winner
Community Activist
“Audrye has been instrumental in my spiritual growth. Her class was a great way to reinforce techniques I’ve learned. Her classes have helped me deal with a lifelong battle with anxiety and depression, and has left me feeling calmer and more peaceful. Thank you, Audrye!”
Shelah Marie Rhoulhac
Social Media Influencer and Award Winner
Curvy, Curly, Conscious (CCC) Inspirer
Global Workshop Leader and Journeyer
Performer, Playwright, Philanthropist
A little goes a long way
Gregg Braden, noted author, scientist, world traveler and teacher, posits that when a minimum of 8,000 people globally are operating at the level of enlightenment, we reach the tipping or turning point where LOVE PEACE LIGHT become more readily available to everyone. I declare 10,000. Deeply within me, I am here. Our species is verging on the tipping point. I love facilitating this! My clients prosper in all ways.
Take MORPH “Magic” and it’s YOU, too!!!!
What you get in your
MORPH Course
- Breathing Attunements
- Affirmations
- Processes and Exercises
- Purpose, Inspiration, Wisdom Teachings
- Blissing – Blessings, Bliss, Touching the Infinite
- Videos, Audios, Text, Conference Calls
- Daily Energizing, Laughter, Encouragement
- The Excitement of Enlightenment
- The Protective Prayer
- A New Authentic Fabulous YOU!
- Eternalizing
- Transformation Techniques
You get One Email daily for 42 days, which includes access to your Daily Audio! You get Text with Breathing Attunements, Affirmations, Wisdom Initiations, Home Practices, Blissings.
You get One Weekly Video, with the Weekly Breathing Attunement, plus SIX Additional Videos with Proven Releasing Techniques.
I show you how to do all this
You get The Protective Prayer.
You get SPECIALS on my Private Consultations and Healings.
You get a Community of MORPHing Beings!
You become a Contribution to the World!
You get me! I am with you throughout and beyond this journey.
The MORPH Course is the Foundation for all my online courses!
Your MORPHing begins as soon as you sign up.

Join Our
Community for the
ONLY $600
My second Course, Sexuality, Sensuality, Spirituality. Stupendous SEX! Your Intimacy Healing Exuberance Course is $600
click here to learn more
Take both MORPH and SEX! for $1100 instead of $1200 (Save $100).
You will feel happier, look better, attract more money, be in love with yourSself and the world, plus magnetize fabulous relationships! Start with MORPH, go on to SEX! Enjoy!!!!! Register now!
We love Gifting YOU!
Reward #1: Join Now and Receive FREE Bonus Starburst In the Heart Breathing Attunement. Creation Is Magical! Wish Fulfillment is Exuberant!
GREAT IDEA! Give this Course to Family, Friends, Associates as YOUR Gift to Them! YOU ALL BENEFIT!

Join Our
Join Now ONLY $600!
Get Long-Distance Healings from Audrye!
Need a little extra time to pay?
I’m offering some automatic payment terms to make MORPHing a little easier.
Two payments of $307 each; one now and one in 3 weeks.
Three Payments of $210 each; one now and then two more at two week intervals.
For more information, email [email protected] or call me at 917.494.0628 or 1.888.757.3223. If you are outside the U.S., we can use FB Messenger or WhatsApp.

The Protective Prayer
Thank you for being on this planet! Thank you for adding your beauty, brilliance, love to the All. Thank you for adding to this Age of Ascension! Thank you for joining us!
Click here for the Protective Prayer.
We are all stronger, more beautiful, brilliant, able, easy, playful because of YOU!!!!
Thank you! Enjoy! Blessings to YOU and ALL of US!
Thank you!